Fantasies and stories...

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15 September 2014
A collection of UK swingers stories and erotic fantasies written by amateurs, doggers and swingers at Social Swinging.

If you have a long dreamt fantasy, or experienced things you would love to share with others..;) :D
Well here's the place to write about it!!

Don't be afraid to type out what you want and desire.. Let your inhibitions go, let your fingers go wild... Wait, on the keys that is!

And share your fantasies and stories with the rest of us.
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10 March 2015
Just added "Playing with Fire", was something I started 3 years ago, posted on another site and got a great deal of positive feedback, so I kept adding more chapters as time went on... seems I have a knack for writing erotic literature (ok, dirty porn lol!).

I'm also interested in writing for others, if you have a particular storyline or kink that you would like me to expand on, drop me a line with names, and some form of direction you want the story to go in, plus anything you definitely want to leave out (eg if anal, or spanking isn't for you). I'm currently working on one, which I have permission to post anywhere I want, so watch this space!


15 September 2014
Yes I started some of it then got called away...
I will continue the read though! Love your style :)
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I've just added "Parked Up In The Woods" - a short tale about being parked up in the woods. ;)
You can read it here - I hope you like it.
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I have another story, but it's properly perverted... so I might just hold fire on that for a bit.
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15 September 2014
Aye always good to test the waters I should imagine ;)
Will have a read when I get the chance and look forward to it.. :)
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Okay, I decided to take the plunge and post the other story I mentioned. It's a little less conventional than my last one, so I hope it's alright.
I actually wrote it a little while back and it was published in a Fetich magazine.

It's called "The Creature In The Bothy", and you can find it here. :)
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10 March 2015
Started a couple of other stories, but this one seems to have the best response, its called Never Judge a book, its a work in progress so I will be adding to it.
10 March 2015
I have another one I've started, but its a bit more....edgy than anything else I've written, not sure how far I'd be allowed to push the envelope?
The main thread of the story deals with Consensual non-consent play, just wondering if that would be ok?
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11 August 2015
I have another one I've started, but its a bit more....edgy than anything else I've written, not sure how far I'd be allowed to push the envelope?
The main thread of the story deals with Consensual non-consent play, just wondering if that would be ok?

Are you referring to BDSM role play? It should be ok provided it doesn't include anything deemed as illegal. The site has to abide by UK porn laws.
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10 March 2015
Are you referring to BDSM role play? It should be ok provided it doesn't include anything deemed as illegal. The site has to abide by UK porn laws.

Hmmm... whilst its very obvious that its all fully consensual, I wouldn't want to put you guys in a position where you think you might need to pull it, so I'll leave it.... I've got several other stories taking shape so I'll pop one of those on instead lol.
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11 August 2015
Hmmm... whilst its very obvious that its all fully consensual, I wouldn't want to put you guys in a position where you think you might need to pull it, so I'll leave it.... I've got several other stories taking shape so I'll pop one of those on instead lol.

Maybe pm it to @Admin for approval
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