MacMillan Charity Night @ Xtasia 11th-12th Dec

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10 August 2015
West Bromwich
We are hosting another Macmillan charity event at Xtasia with this one being a 2 night party to give single males the chance to attend.

Last year we raised over £1,400 and collected over 250 presents. We’re hoping to smash that this year with all your help.

Friday is BMFC night and the lovely Helen has agreed for us to join them. It is a fancy dress optional night with the theme being “my little sexy black number”. This night is open to all however you do have to be a member to attend. To apply for membership you can fill a form out on the Xtasia website.

Prices are as follows:
Single males £30
Single females free
Couples £15

Saturday is couples and single females only and is "Doctors and Nurses" fancy dress optional. Lots of people made the effort to dress up last year and it was lovely to see. Again you have to be members but couples and single females can join on the night, if they bring along ID.
Prices are:
Couples £25
Single females £10

Xtasia have agreed again to donate part of the door takings from people on the list to us to donate so it is important to put your name down and when arriving giving your SS user name.

We are also asking again if people would be kind enough to donate a present for a child in hospital at Christmas with cancer. This is something that is close to a lot of people’s hearts and it helps to put a smile on children’s faces unlucky to be in hospital at Christmas. Xtasia are collecting presents from now until the event night for us so if you can’t attend but would still like to donate a present you can leave it with them to pass on to us. All the presents donated will be on show on the night. Please don’t wrap them, as we need to sort out which wards to take them too.

Normal club rules apply for both nights.

Any questions please feel free to message us and we will be happy to help.
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15 September 2014
Excellent and as Mrs A says, well done..Happy to see charitable events listed here.
Added to the calendar and will PM you regarding this too.. (y)


What a lovely idea.. Sounds brilliant xtasia is on our to-do list, but never managed to get there yet. Intending getting to one of your Phukt events at some point. Good luck guys.. X
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