First times

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I have been in a reflective mood the last couple days. I am at a point in my life where I have found someone incredible to play with, who accepts all my craziness and naughty ways.
My thoughts have returned to the first times I met for a play date and how different things are now.
I started out swinging as a couple with my husband. The couple we met for our first meet were very nice, the lady was an experienced swinger who was very polite and matter of fact about things. The husband was a bit of a wide boy, very cheeky and we bought out the worst in each other.
We only met them once as things got a bit wild in the hotel room and the wife decided she didn't want to see her husband play with me again. She was ok with him watching my husband do her though 🙄
My lasting memory from that night is not being scared of having sex with total strangers for the first time, but being terrified of having to go to a restaurant and sit and eat in front of total strangers. It's weird the way your head makes sense of situations.
Fast forward 5 months, I then had my first meet as a hot wife. This was with a guy I knew and had played with as part of a couple. Things had broken down between us as a four as the wife was not happy with how the husband played with me. He was a big guy and for some reason he loved to pick me up and wanted to physically manhandle me, I'm making it sound weird but he was so gentle and very careful, he said he liked the feeling of power.
My first hot wife date was at a hotel, playing as a two was completely different to playing as a four. Without the fear of one or more people getting upset, I felt I could really let go and enjoy myself.
I was completely hooked, I have the permission to play alone, and I love it.
My original plan was to have four regular guys to meet at clubs or hotels. I knew two of the guys from the club scene, one was the guy I had met as a couple first and then I started chatting with a guy from Social Swinging.
I met the man from SS just before New Year, I was blown away, things were so hot and adventurous I decided to pass on the other guys and just meet him.
Six months later, things are hotter than ever, I am still only playing with one man..... I'm a very lucky girl❤️
About author
I am a petite lady, 5ft 4 tall, size 8, a bundle of naughty fun 😈
I am a married lady with permission to play alone.
I have a Dom, (who is NOT my husband), I am collared and owned by him.
I am a complete exhibitionist, I’m very naughty….. my obedience training is still a work in progress 😉
I am looking to make friends and chat, happy to share face pics if we get along.
My Dom is on this site, he has given permission for me to name him. @MP386


Cool, right on! It's amazing when you finally meet the right person! It's like fireworks!

Hi Draconis yes you’re so right. When you meet someone you can completely trust there are no inhibitions or boundaries.
In the past meets have been polite chat followed by pretty normal sex.
When you find someone to play with and you can be your true self the possibilities are endless, you can try things you may have fantasised about, fulfil their fantasies and experiment together 💋
Hi Draconis yes you’re so right. When you meet someone you can completely trust there are no inhibitions or boundaries.
In the past meets have been polite chat followed by pretty normal sex.
When you find someone to play with and you can be your true self the possibilities are endless, you can try things you may have fantasised about, fulfil their fantasies and experiment together 💋
I've been with my girl for 17 years and it never gets old! I am the luckiest guy on Earth. :)

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